The Beginning
Our story begins in 1850 at a little pharmacy Groat Market, Newcastle, England, where James Crossley Eno, a visionary young man, was struck by a revolutionary idea to put an end to digestive problems, and improve the lives of everyone.
The Breakthrough
With a lot of hard work, and a little bit of luck, ENO Fruit Salts instantly improved the lives of sailors from port to port. To this day, Eno’s trusted formula of ingredients, continues to get to work in 6 seconds2, and better the lives of people in India and around the world.

"A world of woes is avoided by those who keep and use ENO's Fruit Salt; therefore no family should ever be without it."
- J.C. ENO
Health Advocate, Philisopher, Writer, Inventor of ENO
Early Advertising Of ENO
As if his day job wasn’t enough to keep him busy, James kept himself occupied by writing most of the ENO ads himself. He even brought them to life with a splash of colour by being one of the first to publish full-page colour print ads.
Advertised as a mild medicine for digestive dysfunctions and intestinal problems, ENO started establishing its presence in newsstands from the 40s-60s.
The introduction of a brand-new foil package in 1959, along with many campaigns in the 50s also brought about a change in its messaging to providing fast relief on the go.
ENO Today
An innovative brand with credibility, ENO is now available in fantastic flavours, as well as a new screw cap bottle in India for ease of use.

The Taste Of Success
Today, we are a global brand in many countries including India, Brazil, South Africa, Thailand, Malaysia, Venezuela, and Spain. While times have changed in the past 150 years, ENO hasn’t. Hitting the acidity roadblock isn’t uncommon when we live life in the fast lane. ENO Fruit Salt gets to work in 6 seconds2.
Let not acidity ever slow you down. Now get ready to live life non-stop with ENO.