Food And Lifestyle Tips To Help
Manage Indigestion At Home
It’s all too familiar. You’ve just enjoyed a lovely meal with your family or some friends, and then you start to get that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. Soon, you’re not feeling too well, and your lovely meal doesn’t seem quite so lovely any more!
For many people, this is how indigestion interferes with everyday life. So what can they do about it?
Here, we take a look at some commonly suggested home remedies for indigestion that might be worth giving a shot. These have been widely studied and shown to be beneficial for indigestion. Keep in mind though, that they might not work for everyone.
Living With Indigestion
If you live with some of the symptoms of indigestion – things like stomach discomfort, bloating and feeling over-full – you’re not alone.
Millions of people around the world share your predicament. In fact, a survey in Brazil showed that around 20% of people have indigestion symptoms at least once a month,1 and in other countries it’s estimated to affect up to 40% of the population.2
While there is no simple cure for indigestion, there are some things you can try that might help you get some relief.
Herbal remedies for indigestion
Herbal remedies have been used successfully for thousands of years. Now, modern science is backing up this ancient wisdom, with growing evidence that some herbs, especially fennel, papaya, caraway and ajwain, may help in the treatment of indigestion.6–9
If you do intend to try herbal remedies, and especially if you are taking any other medicines, please remember to consult your doctor. Some herbal remedies and medicines may interact, and it is best to get expert advice to avoid potential complications.

Who knew that something so tasty could also be so good for you! With its distinctive aniseed flavour, fennel is used in all sorts of recipes – its leaves can be eaten raw in salads, or baked, grilled, stewed or boiled, and its fruit, seeds and roots can also be eaten.
Scientists have discovered many compounds in fennel that are known to have anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects. This may explain why it’s been used for hundreds of years to treat digestive complaints in many different countries around the world.
As well as being a delicious food, fennel can reportedly be taken daily as a herbal supplement, which is usually based on the seeds or a distilled oil.

Sometimes called ‘the fruit of the angels’, papaya (or pawpaw) is a popular tropical fruit that originated in Mexico.
Papaya has a long history of use as a natural remedy for digestive problems such as constipation, heartburn and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and a recent clinical study showed that papaya can improve these symptoms in some people.
Even though it’s delicious, you may not want to eat papaya every day! If this is the case, many different supplements are available.

The main part of the caraway plant we eat is the seeds – although, even though they’re usually called seeds, they are actually the dried fruit of the caraway plant.
Caraway seeds are highly aromatic, so they tend to be used as a spice in many different dishes. But they’ve also been used for centuries in traditional medicines to relieve mild digestive disorders.
It is thought that the antispasmodic effects of caraway help ‘calm’ the digestive system and relieve indigestion. Caraway may also help reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach, reducing acidity problems.
A number of different supplements containing caraway are available, including some that also include peppermint oil.

Originating in India, the seeds of the ajwain plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a range of gastrointestinal disorders, including ulcers. Sometimes called carom, ajwain has been shown to have a number of effects on the gastrointestinal tract that could improve symptoms of indigestion.
In most cases, the seeds of the plant are used to make ajwain supplements. The seeds are either turned into a powder or distilled to make an essential oil.
The role of diet and lifestyle
In most cases, indigestion symptoms appear soon after eating.2,3 Some of the triggers include overeating or eating too quickly, eating fatty, greasy or spicy foods, or having too much caffeine, alcohol or fizzy drinks.3
It stands to reason then, that making some changes to your diet and lifestyle are simple things you can do at home or work to get relief from indigestion. Do keep in mind though, that while these are again suggestions based on studies, they might not always work and it is best to seek expert advice.
Studies and surveys on many different foods used as home remedies for stomach aches have shown the following ones work best.4,5
Foods that may help digestion4,5



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Is rice especially nice for indigestion?
A review of studies looking at the effects of rice in patients with indigestion and other gastrointestinal complaints found that it was especially beneficial.5 Rice is easy to digest and it’s unlikely to cause any allergic reactions.5
Some other simple ways to relieve those symptoms

Eat smaller, more-frequent meals10
Because eating a big meal or eating quickly is a common trigger for indigestion, it’s a good idea to try eating four or five smaller meals a day instead of three large ones.

Avoid fatty foods11
Studies have shown that fatty meals are more likely to cause symptoms of indigestion, such as fullness, bloating and nausea. Reducing your intake of fatty foods is recommended to improve indigestion.

Maintain a healthy weight2,10
If you’re overweight, losing some weight can help reduce the symptoms of indigestion. Your doctor may be able to offer some advice on the most effective ways to reduce your weight.

Exercise regularly3
As well as helping you maintain a healthy weight and being good for your mental health, exercise actually benefits the digestive process. You don’t have to start running marathons – just getting a little exercise every day can make a difference.
Treatments like antacids can also help
Acidity can play a role in indigestion. There is an overlap between many of the causes and triggers of acidity and indigestion.2,12,13 One of the defining symptoms of acidity problems is heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the centre of the chest.2,12 Heartburn can also be a symptom of indigestion.2,12
You can learn more about the relationship between acidity and indigestion here – especially if you have symptoms such as heartburn or acid reflux.
If you think acidity contributes to your symptoms, take Eno. Eno gets to work in just 6 seconds14, and rapidly neutralizes stomach acid, thereby relieving you from the acidity.
You should see your doctor if your symptoms worry you. Your doctor may prescribe other medications or do some tests.
Where to find out more
We know how much indigestion can disrupt your everyday life. However, with easy-to-access foods and simple diet and lifestyle changes, managing it may be simpler than you think. Do keep in mind though, that while these tips are known to work based on studies, they don’t always guarantee relief. Please consult your doctor if you have persistent or particularly severe symptoms, or if there’s anything you’re not sure about.
We’ve also put together some great home remedies for acidity problems. Take a look here to find out more.
Disclaimer: While the remedies listed in this article have been widely studied to be beneficial for indigestion, they are not intended to be, and should not be treated as a substitute for any form of professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek your doctor’s advice for questions regarding medical conditions.