A Little heartburn Is Still Too Much

For you, day-to-day life involves caring for, and being there for your family and loved ones. It involves being productive at work with your colleagues and boss. But we understand that being 100% doesn’t just mean balancing family and work – you want that something extra, that little bit more for yourself. We also know that heartburn, from the moment of its onset, can and will distract you from being your 100%. That’s why we’ve put together tips on how you may control mild heartburn, so that you can get back to being your best self at all times.

How Do You Know If You Are Experiencing
The Onset Of heartburn?

A bout of heartburn typically begins with mild and short-lived symptoms. The most common symptoms are occasional reflux and a burning sensation or discomfort in the middle of the chest.

Should you experience these symptoms, it will be good to keep track of their occurrences or any triggers and manage them accordingly in case they get worse. It is also always a good idea to consult your doctor if you are unsure.

What Causes heartburn Symptoms?

What Causes Heartburn Symptoms?
  • The sphincter that help keep acid in the stomach may have weakened and are unable to resist the flow of stomach contents back into the esophagus3,4
  • Tension on the stomach wall due to food or air may cause acid to ‘leak’ back up the esophagus3
  • Certain foods and drinks can make the stomach produce more acid than is needed1
  • Stress and lack of sleep can disrupt the digestive process1,5

Things You Can Do To Control Mild heartburn

Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals.

Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals.

Try eating four or five smaller meals a day instead of three large ones so your stomach doesn’t get as full.2

Avoid Foods That Trigger Your Symptoms.

Avoid Foods That Trigger Your Symptoms. 

If you think that a particular food or drink might be a problem, try avoiding it for a while and see if it helps.2,5

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Maintain A Healthy Weight.

We know this can be easier said than done, but it can help reduce symptoms. Ask your doctor for advice or tips.1,5


Take ENO.

Simple changes to diet and lifestyle might be able to help you get heartburn under control. However, these do not guarantee prevention and there might still be times when you still experience heartburn. Eno provides fast and effective relief from heartburn. Eno complements your body’s natural defense mechanism to fight heartburn, and gets to work in just 6 seconds7

Eat At Least 3 Hours Before Sleep.

Eat At Least 3 Hours Before Sleep.

Try not to eat a meal just before going to bed or lying down, especially if you get symptoms at night.1,3,5

Manage Stress And Anxiety.

Manage Stress And Anxiety.

Make time for things you enjoy, and try and get plenty of sleep. Practicing some relaxation techniques can also help.3

Get Regular Exercise

Get Regular Exercise.

Exercise not only aids the digestive process, it can help you maintain a healthy weight. Even taking a walk can help.3

Review Your Medications.

Review Your Medications.

Some pain relievers can irritate the lining of your stomach. Consult the doctor if you take them regularly.5

However if you are considering an antacid, and are pregnant or breastfeeding, take other medicines or have any chronic illnesses, please consult your doctor.

You can learn more about managing heartburn with a busy lifestyle here.

Of course, please see your doctor if an antacid isn’t enough to control your symptoms or if your symptoms worry you.

  • References

    1. Sandhu DS, Fass R. Current trends in the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gut and Liver 2018; 12 (1): 7–16.
    2. PubMed Health. Heartburn and GERD: Overview. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, November 2015. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0072438/
    3. DeMeester TR. Evolving concepts of reflux: The ups and downs of the LES. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2002; 16 (5): 327–331
    4. Mittal RK, Balaban DH. The Esophagogastric Junction. The New England Journal of Medicine 1997; 336 (13): 924–932 
    5. Bhatia V, Tandon RK. Stress and the gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2005; 20: 332–339    
    6. Tytgat GN, Heading RC, Müller-Lissner S et al. Contemporary understanding and management of reflux and constipation in the general population and pregnancy: a consensus meeting. Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics 2003; 18: 291–301.
    7. A Comparison of the Effect of Regular ENO and Placebo on Intragastric pH in Healthy Fasted Subjects . Does not imply relief.